CORES perform field measurements, collect and manage specialized data for Bulgarian Black Sea coast and Lower Danube river. CORES possess its own information system (incl. database in digital format DWG, SHP, DFS, XLS, PDF) containing:
1. Legislative documents
- Acts and regulations related to engineering activities and environmental protection of the Black Sea coast and the Danube River
2. Hydrographic survey data (Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, and Lower Danube River)
- Bathymetry Maps (DWG
- Water Levels, velocities
- Turbidity, solid discharge, suspended sediment concentration)
- Sediment data (physical properties, composition, grain size distribution)
- Water temperature, salinity, etc.
3. Hydrological and meteorological data
- Wind Data (speed, direction)
- Rainfall / Runoff
- Water Levels, Wave Climate Data (Probability Characteristics, Time Series)
- Morphological and Lithological data
- Floods Statistics
4. Data on Navigational Channels, Sea- and River- Ports
Engineering facilities: Lay-out, coordinates
- Port Terminals, berths, wharves lengths, cargo turnover
- Approach channels depth, harbor depth
Dredging data
5. Data on Coast protection facilities
Lay-out, coordinates
- Shoreline evolution
- Beach profiles
- Grain size distribution; physical properties of the sand
6. Data on Environmental protection issues
Water quality
- Contaminated sediments
- Disposal sites
- Damaged structures
7. Publications
- Technical reports from project researches/studies/examinations and consulting activities
- Scientific papers
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